cyber security

Louisiana cyber

Protecting Your Louisiana Business from the MOVEit Cyberattack: A 10-Step Guide

The onslaught of cyber threats is a pervasive reality in today’s digital landscape, and the nefarious Moveit Cyber Attack has recently set its sight on businesses in Louisiana. In this crucial guide, we will be delving into comprehensive strategies on how to safeguard your Louisiana-based business from this menacing cybercrime. By understanding the dynamics of Moveit’s modus operandi and integrating resilient cybersecurity measures, your business can successfully dodge this digital bullet.

Protecting Your Louisiana Business from the MOVEit Cyberattack: A 10-Step Guide Read More »

Woman at computer

Cry Once! How regularly scheduled security assessments and employee security awareness training is worth every dime spent!

Cry Once! How regularly scheduled security assessments and investing in employee security awareness training is worth every dime spent! Recently I was investigating a cyber-attack on behalf of a client to determine both the source of the attack and mitigation efforts that needed to be implemented in order to contain any further or future damage. 

Cry Once! How regularly scheduled security assessments and employee security awareness training is worth every dime spent! Read More »